SunZia Wind and Transmission



SunZia Southwest Transmission Line


Central New Mexico/Southcentral Arizona


Pattern Energy / Quanta Services
M.J. Electric / Par Electric

Services Provided

Construction Materials Testing
Data Management
On-Site Project Laboratory

SunZia Wind and Transmission



SunZia Southwest Transmission Line


Pattern Energy / Quanta Services
M.J. Electric / Par Electric

Services Provided

Construction Materials Testing
Data Management
On-Site Project Laboratory


Materials Quality Control (QC)

Project Details

The SunZia Wind and Transmission project is described as the largest renewable energy infrastructure project in US history. This massive undertaking includes 3,500 MW of new wind generation in Torrance, Lincoln and San Miguel Counties in New Mexico along with a 550-mile long high voltage transmission line for transporting this new clean energy across federal, state and private lands between central New Mexico and southcentral Arizona. Having a two year duration, and multi-billion dollar construction cost, the project involves constructing hundreds of transmission towers founded on deep drilled reinforced concrete shafts. Shaft diameters range from 6’ to 12’, shaft lengths range between 20’ to 150’, and concrete placements on the order of 1000 CY are not uncommon.


With QT’s materials sampling and testing work staged from a mobile project laboratory and curing facility near Bosque, New Mexico, we serve as the Quality Control entity on two of the four project segments, working closely with Quality Management personnel from both M.J. Electric and Par Electric.